What's it like at a concert.

For those who've never been to a concert, do you wonder what it's like? Well keep reading to see what they are like.

Concerts can be fun, a great experience and crazy at the same time, but there can be some bad moments as well. Here's a list of things that can happen.

You never know what may happen at a concert, so always be aware of the people around you. You will find most of the bad moments when the concert is standing room only. When it's standing room, get to the venue early so you know you can be close, plus you can make new friends when waiting in line.

When the headliner comes on you may get squished because that's when people are coming and trying to get front row. My advice is to stand your ground and not let them through to front row. When it comes to fights, its mostly drunk people causing them and they happen near the middle of the venue.

That's some of the things which you could experience when going to a concert. If you plan on getting a tee-shirt or something at the merch booth click this link for prices and what may sell out fast.

Tips on buying merch.

Here are some links for some more info about concerts

What to take and what NOT to take.
What to do the day before.
Pictures I've taken at cocerts.

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